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Your Monthly Horoscope: February 2021

Updated: Mar 19, 2021

A terrorist attack on the Capitol, the impeachment of one President, and the inauguration of another; January was definitely long and full of surprises

Apparently, I'm not the only one that feels this way. I just received an app notification on my phone that said, "January was a rough year but we made it." Now that we are into February, I'm hopeful that we'll see some major changes coming our way.

On Monday, February 1st, Venus moves into freedom-loving and rebellious Aquarius. You may find desiring change in your closest relationships; this change could range from just needing a bit more space or wanting to talk about the bigger purpose for your partnership.

On Thursday, February 11th, a New Moon in Aquarius ushers in powerful energy for change. With the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, AND Saturn in Aquarius, this is a perfect time to revisit those goals and dreams you've had in the back of your mind for months now. Quick tip: writing down your goals is the first step in manifesting your dream life!

On February 18th, the Sun moves into Pisces. Hello Pisces Season! Then on Saturday, February 20th, Mercury stations direct after being retrograde for the last few weeks. While this is exciting, don’t forget that the Mercury retrograde shadow period lasts for another couple of weeks so tread lightly!

On February 25th, Venus moves into gentle and compassionate Pisces for the next few weeks. Don't be surprised if old issues come up for you during this time. Try not to overreact; instead, lean in and try to understand what the Universe is trying to teach you.

Lastly, on February 27th, a powerful Virgo Full Moon takes place. This full moon is all about service; to ourselves and to others. Although we will be covered in a Neptunian haze during Pisces season, this Full Moon gives us the opportunity to get ourselves in order. This is a good time to think of practical steps to reach some of your goals, take inventory of your health and fitness, and clean out the clutter in your life.

Here are your Sun Sign Horoscopes for February!


March 21st-April 19th

The Sun continues to illuminate your life area of friendships and community at the beginning of this month, and you may notice yourself catching up with old friends and meeting new people that you vibe with. Tap into your natural assertive and extroverted nature and arrange a group hangout with some of your favorite people. But make sure this happens before February 18th, when the Sun shifts into Pisces and into your 12th house, which is all about alone time, introspection, and healing.


April 20th-May 20th

Taurus is known as being one of the hardest-working signs in the zodiac, and with the Sun rolling through your life area of career & public image, you may find yourself feeling more ambitious and "in the zone" at work. Don't be surprised if you finally get recognition for the work that you have been doing. This is a great time to go for that promotion at work or put your business ideas out there.


May 21st-June 20th

The Sun has been in your life area of higher thinking, spirituality, and philosophy for a couple of weeks now, and you may have found yourself deep in a pool of information gathering and message spreading. This is a great time to take a new class or course in a subject you are interested in. Knowing you Gemini, you'll be teaching your new skill to the masses in no time!


June 21st-July 22nd

The Sun is in your life area of finances, introspection, and transformation, and you probably have been feeling like staying in your shell lately. That's because the Universe wants you to go within to discover the areas that need some deep cleaning. Is this the year to get your finances together? Is there a close relationship with someone that needs healing? Take inventory of your life and be prepared to shed anything that is no longer serving you.


July 23rd-August 22nd

Your ruling planet, the Sun, is shining on your life area of relationships & partnerships, and if you are single and ready to mingle, this could be a time you meet someone special to share the cold winter nights with. If someone already has your heart, you may find that you and your partner seem to be more in-sync with each other during this time. Regardless of your relationship status, the New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th guarantees that you will find yourself vibing with someone on a personal level- be it a romantic interest or a possible new friend.


August 23rd-September 22nd

Have you been feeling pretty good lately Virgo? It may be because the Sun is in your life area of health & day to day routine. Have you re-committed to your health and fitness goals? Feeling much more organized at work, school, or home? If not, the Cosmos are working in your favor right now! This would be a great time to binge "Marie Kondo" on Netflix and get rid of anything in your home that does not bring joy!


September 23rd-October 22nd

The Sun is in your life area of creativity & romance Libra, and the sparks are likely to fly between you and a special someone this month! Whether single or taken, the spotlight is on your Venusian beauty and charm and you are simply irresistible right now. This is also a great time to use your natural artistic gifts to work on a creative project. Try redecorating your home, switching up your wardrobe, or creating new memories with your young ones.


October 23rd-November 21st

With the Sun traveling through your life area of home and family this month Scorpio, you may find yourself wanting to relax at home and spend time with the people you hold dearest to your heart. Family issues may arise during this time, but don't fret- the Sun is just shining a light on areas that need healing. If you have any home projects that you've been putting off, now is a great time to tackle them!


November 22nd-December 21st

Your life area of communication and curiosity is the focus this month, which may inspire you to sign up for a new course or take a short trip this month. Sag's typically have their nose in a book, and if you feel the desire to share what you have been learning, don't hesitate! Write a blog about your favorite topic and/or start a conversation on Facebook to engage with others. Your audience will soon be begging for more!


December 22nd-January 19th

You work hard for the money, and as the Sun moves through your life area of money, values, and possessions, you are focused on creating a stable foundation for yourself. Have you been saving to purchase a new car or home? This is a great time to do so. Are you feeling the desire to level-up in life? Reach out to a potential mentor and invite them to meet for coffee so you can pick their brain.


January 20th-February 18th

It's your solar return Aquarius, and with the Sun in your sign, the odds are forever in your favor! Self-improvement is of the utmost importance to you right now, and water-bearers everywhere are finding themselves making major life moves right now. Thinking of moving? Starting a business? Focusing on your spirituality? If it builds your confidence and makes you a better person, you are on the right path!


February 19th-March 20th

The Sun has been hibernating in your life area of healing & hidden things which, for you Pisces, may feel strangely normal as you are used to swimming in the deep waters of the spirit. You may not have been feeling like being a social butterfly lately, and that's because your mind, body, and soul are in the middle of a cosmic clear-out. Pay attention to your dreams and other signs from the Universe during this time. Whatever you heal within yourself will propel you for success when the Sun enters your sign on February 18th.

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